What a great day in NYC today, it is beautiful and sunny, and the first days of spring – this got me thinking about fat. Not the bad kind of fat –
Deep fried cheeseburger, anyone?
But the good kind, the kind we all need, and the kind that is so HIGHLY misunderstood. Every time I suggest fish oil to someone, their first reaction usually is “Do I really need that?” Then, it’s a whole process to get them started, I am thinking of changing the name from fish oil to “the all-in-one miracle pill” – maybe that will get more people taking them regularly. Fish oils single handedly reduce fat, improve cardiovascular function, increase the strength of EVERY cell wall in your body, and improve skin, hair, and nails! What more do you want????
The All-in-One Miracle Pill!
The problem is that we need more of these essential fatty acids (EFAs) per day than any other single nutrient – measured in tablespoons, not milligrams! And the task of obtaining enough of them in unadulterated form in today’s world of tinned, dried, frozen, fast and processed food is a major challenge.
We desperately need omega 3’s, the typical American diet is WAY too high in Omega-6 fatty acids making us severely deficient in the omega-3 fats. In order to maintain proper functioning, humans need a ratio of 1:1 or 1:3 omega-3’s to omega-6’s. The fat ratio of the typical American diet is more like 1:30 to 1:60! Talk about a fatty imbalance!
Here is the kicker –
· Omega-6’s are natural inflammatory agents in your body
· Omega-3’s are natural anti-inflammatory agents
Put those two together and you can see why EFA’s are so important. An omega-3 deficiency results in an increase in bodily inflammation (i.e. arthritis)
So lets clear the air, I present to you my first Top 10 list –
Top 5 reasons why Essential Fatty Acids are an ABSOLUTE necessity – (the below information are drawn from the conclusions of various research studies that were done within the last 10 years)
1. EFA’s are necessary for many vital functions in cells, tissues and organs. They increase oxidation and metabolic rate. Energy levels rise with higher stamina.
2. Skin Care: Besides creating smooth, velvety skin, they help improve acne, psoriasis, and eczema.
3. Digestion: EFA’s help prevent leaky intestines that can lead to allergies , inflammation and auto immune problems
4. Cardiovascular Benefits: EFA’s are REQUIRED to transport cholesterol, lower triglycerides, make platelets less sticky, and lower blood pressure
5. Emotional Benefits: Fatty acids elevate mood, lift depression, and improve our ability to deal with stress.
a. High stress levels promote high blood pressure, water retention, inflammation, and blood clot formation – fish oils will counteract all that!
“Helloooo – any fish oil in there?”
Interesting, right? Oh, whats that??? Not convinced yet? OK, ok . . .
5 MORE reasons you better be taking in some fish oils –
6. Sufferers of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis report decreased inflammation
7. EFA’s are involved in transporting minerals through the body
8. Your brain is composed of 80% omega-3 fatty acids – if it doesn’t have them, it will draw from your store of omega-6s and trans-fats for repair – I don’t think you want your brain using the oil from Mcdonalds to repair itself!
9. An unborn child draws from its mothers body substantial amounts of the essential fats required to build its brain – women who receive omega 3 supplements give birth to babies with higher IQ’s!
10. Children with diets low in omega-3’s exhibit more behavioral and learning problems at school!
Now that is a list!
The last 5 still didn’t do it for you? Hmmmm . . . .
1 more reason you better run out and get yourself some fish oil pills TODAY!
– BONUS #11 –
11. They make you SEXIER! – Studies proved that JUST the addition of Omega-3’s to ANY diet increases the fat-burning capabilities of your body! (See below for the geek talk)
a. The research study done in 2000 in the Journal of Nutrition, they observed a phenomenon known as ‘fuel partitioning’, whereby dietary EFAs were able to direct glucose (from digested carbohydrates) towards glycogen storage while at the same time directing other fatty acids in the body away from triglyceride synthesis (ie fat storage) and towards fatty acid oxidation! In addition, these studies suggested that omega-3 fatty acids have the unique ability to enhance thermogenesis (the burning of excess fat to produce heat), thereby reducing the efficiency of body fat deposition. In simple terms, this fuel partitioning phenomenon appears to conserve carbohydrate while simultaneously shedding fat – exactly what most people would give their right arm for!
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Stay strong,