A Badass Journey Into Fat Loss

I started Project Vegas back in January –  the results have been phenomenal, and it was definitely an experience I learned from!

“It’s the journey, not the destination.” ~ Cervantes

It is true, it is never the actual destination, but the journey getting there that you learn the most from.  Here is the short story of my own journey – Enjoy!

Start date, Jan 13, 2011

Wt:  227 lbs

BF%:  19%

The above pic was taken January 13th, from this date, I worked on “eating right”, basically cutting out junk food, and eating more vegetables and fruit, drinking a lot more water and green tea. Basically everything that you are “supposed” to do. As far as the workout, I couldnt go as heavy as I wanted, I had an old injury creep up on me, and I know I used it as an excuse, I was lazy and thought I had time before my actual goal date of March 28th.

March 3, 2011

Had a little photo shoot done to see my results so far. Needless to say I saw that my weakness prevailed and my results over the last 8 weeks were very minimal at best!!! I was actually mad at myself for not making it! 8 weeks and this was all I got???

March 3, 2011

Wt:  221lbs

Bf%:  17.5%

Yes my body fat went down ONE percent in 8 weeks, my weight decreased by 6lbs. Not too bad, I am right on par with people who try to lose fat at a “comfortable” pace.  NO, forget that! I need more results FASTER!

Who do I think I am??? What kind of results are these??? NO I DONT WANT TO LOSE FAT AT A “COMFORTABLE” PACE!

I had a conversation with myself  (yes I did, dont act like you dont do it too!!!! LoL!)  and literally told myself to buckle down stop “TRYING” to lose fat and LOSE THE DAMN FAT! Just get your mind right, get focused, you know what you have to do!

Do this for all the others who liked to compare their SIX-PACK to your KEG, Do this for all the people who ever said you were “INCONSISTENT” (you dont work out enough, “why do you always fall off?”, “Ive never seen you be consistent at anything”) . . . DO THIS FOR AMERICA! Do THIS for all those who look up to you and know that you can. DO THIS FOR YOU, DO THIS FOR ALL those who were wondering when you were going to get in shape again!!! JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH, OPEN YOUR EYES AND JUST FUCKING DO IT! . . .

. . .

. . . So I did . . .

March 28th, 2011

1 Week after – April 6th, 2011

Numbers of the final weigh in:

Wt: 214lbs

Bf%:  14%

To wrap it up – From Jan to the beginning of March I lost roughly 6lbs. In the month of March alone, I lost about 8lbs – The question is . . . how did I do in 4-weeks what originally took me about 8-weeks to complete?

Here is the answer –


I left no stone unturned, diet, “cardio”, exercise – ALL BASES WERE COVERED.

I didnt “TRY” to lose weight, I did it.

Get the help you need, if you need someone to kick your ass and hold you to your word, you know who to ask.

Ask me the questions you have to – but stop “trying” and JUST DO IT!

Stay strong,


P.S.  – Memorial Day is 6 WEEKS away . . .  where do you stand?



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