Today's Lesson: Live and Learn

I have been totally slacking on my writing over here! But I am back, big thanks to all those who beat me in the head from time to time; stay tuned, I definitely have some interesting things lined up for you guys! I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer. Here in NY it has been ridiculously hot so far, so that “Slushie Workout” I ranted on not too long ago really sounds like a GREAT idea right about now! LOL!

Today’s post contains some very motivating and insightful words from Nassim Nicolas Taleb, he is the author of “The Black Swan” a book on philosophy and life that topped the New York Times Bestseller list in 2007.

He definitely makes some very profound points in the below excerpt which can apply to almost any area of your life whether it is love, work, family, or just lifting heavy things and training yourself hard. See what you take home from his points!

132- Life’s Barbells

(Barbells are more robust than monomodal strategies.)

Walk most of the time, sprint as fast as you can on the occasion; never jog.

Fast for long periods of famine, then feast; never diet.

Endorse Nick Clegg & David Cameron, in combination, never labor.

For social life, a linear combination of Fat Tony & philosophers outperforms the frequentation of middle brows.

Go for city-states under loose empires, never nation-states.

Be a flåneur, lounging most of the time; then work as intensely as possible for a maximum of one hour; never work at low intensity –the 4-Hour Workweek.

Do nothing most of the time, then workout like a nut as intensely & unpredictably as possible.

Invest mostly in close to no-risk, (cash inflation protected, 80-90%), and maximal risk securities (10-20%); never in medium risk.

Read trashy gossip magazines and classics or sophisticated works; never the New York Times (or something even more aberrant, Newsweek).

Talk to graduate students or the highest caliber scholars; never, never, never medium academics.

Lose all your money, never half of it.

Respect those who make a living lying down or standing up, never those who do so sitting down.

Separate the holy and the profane.

Do crazy things (break furniture once in a while), like the Greeks and stay “rational” in larger decisions.

If you dislike someone, leave him alone or eliminate him; don’t attack him verbally.


Hope you enjoyed it and that you learned a thing or two!

Stay strong,


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