The Story about 100 KB Snatches with a 24KG –

What happened to me?

When I came to I was lying on the ground, my lungs were heaving and gasping for air, my heart had found its way to the back of my throat, and was beating in my ears like a native indian war was about to begin. I felt like I would never catch my breath. My clothes were drenched in sweat, and there was chalk dust everywhere!

The last 8 minutes of my life were a total blur, but here is what I recall –

7:55pm – I realize I need to do some cardio on my off day, and definitely need to keep working on my KB snatches with the 24kg . . . so, let me do that.

7:56pm – Grab the chalk, take out the Big Boy (24kg KB), and decide I am going to man-up and not even refill my water bottle. I am a WARRIOR!!!!!!

7:58pm – I run upstairs and refill my water bottle. (I’m not that crazy!)

7:59pm – Take my shoes off, Doc’s orders, place my feet on either side of the KB and I get set. I had the determination of a Samurai in my eyes, and the heart of a beast!

8:00pm GRAB AND GO!!!!


8:08pm – Im on the floor wheezing and sweating profusely, I think the temperature went up in the gym – (Did someone turn the heat on?) I dont know what time it is, or who was around me. My hands hurt, blood bubbles were building up under the skin of my palms. . . I was still alive.

I know I hit reps of 20, 15, 10, and 5 on each arm. I had to put the bell down after each set, but I made it.

I completed the task for the first time.

Its really an amazing thing, just a couple of months ago, I tried snatching the 24kg, and I said to myself, “There is no way I will be able to do 100 reps of this anytime soon! Its going to take me forever!”

I did it. I accomplished a pysical endeavor that at one point seemed IMPOSSIBLE to me. This same situation goes for women and pullups or pushups, or men going for a 300lb bench press or even a 185lb clean.

Remember this – Practice makes perfect and determination will drive you to victory!

Big special thanks to Dr. Cheng for giving me the motivation to complete this!

Stay strong,


P.S. Next goal is to get 100reps without putting the bell down!

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