There are a ton of events and outings I am working on for this summer for everyone, so stay up with my facebook at for the most recent updates. First up is the SPARTAN RACE the first weekend in June, been getting excited working on being reday for such an event! Working on Farmers Carries and Prowler Pushes along with Rope Climbs and Sprinting work, The Joeys Gym Class Team will surely be ready! Looking forward to it!
On another note, we have the official Joey’s Gym Class Liscenced Massage Therapist and Accupuncturist coming along to help us out with his services for the upcoming race! I have referred a ton of clients to him over the years and he has been a tremendous help to everyone, Chris is awesome at what he does and I am honored he is a part of our team!
Looking forward to doing this! Special Thanks to Chris for taking the time to help us!
Stay strong,