Try this bodyweight circuit blast, I just performed it at home on my break, today was supposed to be an “off” day, but Im going on vacation in like three weeks and am getting in as much as possible!
This hammock has my name all over it!
Anyway, this workout smoked me!
Bodyweight Blast 2.0
a) Jump Squats – 12 reps
b) Alternating Split Jumps – 6 reps each leg
c) Close Grip Pushups – 15-20 reps
d) Single-leg Deadlifts (bodyweight) – 12 reps each leg
e) Bodyweight speed squats – 20 reps
f) Wide-grip Pushups – wide grip – 15-20 reps
Perform one round for a finisher to any workout, or perform 3 rounds as fast as possible for a complete high-intensity workout!
The split jumps are a creeper -check out this video to se what they look like – Alternating Split Jump– the key with ANY jumping exercise you must make sure you land softly and with control . . . like a ninja!
The Single Leg Deadlifts (links to video) I really enjoy, people do not use this exercise enough, it teaches coordination and balance as well as strengthening all the muscles on the back of the leg. Just make sure the toes of the back leg point towards the floor and not out towards the wall, this is a common error with this exercise. (Even the guy in the video messes up with the toe pointing outward!)
Try this out, let me know what you think!
Stay strong,